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Featured Blogs

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How to Share the World: A Feminist Poetry Anthology

By One Future Collective

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Gender Justice, Queer Rights

Raza: A queer poetry anthology

By One Future Collective

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Mental Health

Fundamentals of Feminist Peer Support

By One Future Collective

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Sexual and gender-based violence

Planting Dandelions

By One Future Collective

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The Indian Organising Podcast

Nurturing Radical Kindness Podcast

Byte the injustice

Ghar Ki Baat Podcast

Facilitation Tools

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Fatness in Urban India

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Posters and Printables

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Games, Worksheets, Activities, Other facilitation Material

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Introduction to Social Justice

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CSO Response to DV

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Youth MH Study

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Gendered Carework

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Introduction to Feminist Lawyering

Mental Health

Feminist Peer Support